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bur oak blight symptoms prevention

Bur Oak Blight Symptoms, Issues and Prevention, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on a condition known as bur oak blight. One of the only conditions that regularly affects bur oak trees, bur oak blight is a fungal disease that was only discovered within the last three decades, most common in midwestern states like Utah.

At Affordable Tree Care, we’re happy to provide a variety of tree disease control and spraying services, including for prevention or treatment of conditions like bur oak blight. Whether your trees require spraying, fertilization, pest prevention methods or any other related area, our arborists will assist you every step of the way. In today’s part two of our series on bur oak blight, we’ll go over the symptoms to look out for if you’re worried about this condition in your bur oak trees, plus some general treatment formats and a few words on possible treatment reactions in certain trees.

bur oak blight symptoms prevention

General Symptoms

There are several possible symptoms that may tip you off to the presence of bur oak blight, including each of the following:

  • Lesions of a purple-brown hue forming, usually along the middle vein of leaves on the tree.
  • Significant yellowing or areas of dieback, often in wedge or similar shapes on leaves.
  • Leaves both curling and turning brown throughout.
  • Black pustules forming at the base of leaf stalks.
  • Dead leaves that would normally fall from the tree during summer or fall instead remain on the tree throughout the winter season.
  • These symptoms, if present, will usually begin to appear by late July, or into August and September.

Treatment and Prevention Formats

Depending on the precise level of the condition and a few other factors, treatment for bur oak blight may vary somewhat. Here are some general themes involved in its prevention and treatment, whether on your own or with the assistance of our arborists:

  • Bur oak trees should only be watered at ground level to help prevent bur oak blight.
  • In many cases, our arborists will recommend and treat bur oaks early in thee season with fungicide sprays, and/or a trunk injection, to prevent bur oak blight.
  • Various systems may be used to increase resistance to various diseases, including root enhancements, fertilizers and tree growth regulator.
  • Bur oaks with bur oak blight will also often be treated for similar conditions like two-lined chestnut borer.

Possible Treatment Reactions

In some cases where fungicide is used for bur oak blight, certain bur oaks may react by some leaves turning a scorched color. This may take place at the leaf sprouts along the main trunk. And while this may look bad and worry you, this aesthetic doesn’t actually harm the tree – in fact, it’s a clear sign that the fungicide has made its way through the tree with the proper dosage and is helping eliminate the bur oak blight.

For more on bur oak blight and how to prevent or treat it, or to learn about our tree health or tree trimming and removal services, speak to the arborists at Affordable Tree Care today.

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