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common tree diseases symptoms

Common Tree Diseases and Their Symptoms, Part 3

In parts one and two of this multi-section blog series, we went over a number of different tree disease types that may impact the trees on your property. There are unfortunately several such conditions depending on your species of tree, location and other factors, with symptoms ranging from mild to life-threatening.

At Affordable Tree Care, we’re proud to offer a wide range of tree spraying and health-related services to prevent the risks of any of these conditions impacting your trees. In today’s closing part three of this series, we’ll dig into a few additional potential tree conditions, how you can tell if one of them is affecting your trees, and what you might be able to do about them.

common tree diseases symptoms

Lethal Yellow

While this condition is less common in places like Utah, mostly impacting palms and other warm-weather trees, it’s possible in a variety of locations. Lethal yellow refers to a bacterial organism that’s called phytoplasma, one brought from tree to tree by a plant hopping insect of some kind.

In most cases, trees with lethal yellow will show flower death and premature fruit dropping as their first symptoms. They may also see their foliage turn yellow. Luckily, basic antibiotic injections into the tree’s trunk will usually clear this up.

Thousand Canker Disease

A much more common tree condition in this area of the country is thousand canker disease, which primarily affects walnut trees. The culprit for spreading this condition, which may take several years to show any visible symptoms, are twig beetles – they spread it around from tree to tree.

When symptoms do eventually show up for this condition, they usually begin with wilting and yellowing of the foliage on upper branches of walnut trees. Unfortunately, this is a condition where no chemical treatment option has yet been discovered, and it’s often fatal.

Photinia Leaf Spot

Common for species like Indian hawthorn, loquat, red tip photinia or others, this is a condition mostly found in southern states. It shows in the form of small, circular red spots on leaves, fruit and stems alike, spots that eventually become larger and turn into big, gray-centered blotches.

To prevent or remove photinia leaf spot, you may use fungicide in certain situations. It’s also important to prioritize basic sanitation and prevention of disease in nearby shrubs and plants.

Dutch Elm Disease

Another fungal disease, one that impacts elm trees as the name suggests, Dutch elm disease has unfortunately been a major killer of elms across the country. It’s carried by bark beetles, but can also be spread through root grafts. It will show symptoms including upper branch leaves yellowing and curling, then basic wilting and browning. Because its symptoms are so similar to other conditions like canker or wilt pathogens, a lab test is required to confirm that the condition is actually Dutch elm disease. At this point, fungicide injections may extend the tree’s life – but there is no cure for Dutch elm disease.

For more on the common tree diseases and how to prevent or cure them, or to learn about any of our tree trimming or removal services, speak to the staff at Affordable Tree Care today.

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